
We understand that our students from time to time may exhibit unwanted or challenging behaviours as a result of their special educational needs. Our approach to behaviour is simple:

  • we expect our staff to act with kindness to explore with students why they feel unsettled before things escalate and for them to try to alleviate their worries
  • we have clear rules and routines underpinned by a fair and transparent rewards and sanction system so our students know what is, and is not, acceptable
  • we act to keep everyone safe from harm and will only use legal restraint when there is no other course of action and where mediation and non contact de-escalation strategies have failed to stop a student being physically aggressive to others. Whilst our staff are trained in Team Teach which shows them how to restrain someone, this is always the last resort, and as such, the instances of using restraint are very rare indeed at our school.

To date, there has been no use of restrictive physical intervention at Mill House School.

Parents receive daily communication regarding their child’s attendance in lessons, behaviour, levels of engagement and application of effort within school.