A Safe, Calm and Progressive Learning Environment
Welcome from the Founder
Thank you for your interest in our school and welcome to our website.
Mill House School is a small, independent school in Meriden for children aged 11 – 19 who struggle to function in large group settings and are unable to access mainstream education. We are one of the few independent provisions in the local area who support children and young people with complex anxiety associated with autism spectrum disorder and/or early trauma. Many of our pupils have missed significant periods of schooling (in many cases a number of years) due to high anxiety and emotionally based school avoidance and require a staggered transition to build resilience and reconnect with the routines of school life. All of our children will have an education, health and care plan (EHCP).
We know that many of our pupils have experienced difficulties of some kind that have left them emotionally and academically vulnerable within mainstream schools and may have been out of mainstream education for long periods of time. Many of our young people will have previously encountered negative educational experiences, and as such, arrive with low self-esteem and confidence. We provide an effective bespoke and personalised specialist education and enjoy a strong relationship with the families of the children who attend our school.
“Staff create a sense of togetherness that permeates through the whole school. This makes school a safe place where pupils grow in confidence, behave well, work hard and learn lots” Ofsted July 2022
The school offers a safe, calm and nurturing learning environment promoting positive mental health and wellbeing, to help pupils build their confidence and abilities, maximise their potential, and develop strategies to cope with the demands and challenges of their lives. Our way of working is bespoke in that we are able to provide a highly personalised experience for our pupils. There is a purposeful, calm atmosphere in school, with high staff to pupil ratios, where our pupils have fun, learn new knowledge and skills and make good progress. Whilst we deliver an academic curriculum, it is underpinned by a therapeutic programme enabling our pupils to develop independence, resilience and strategies to manage the next stage of their education or working life. With strong community and business links, we effectively prepare our pupils for adulthood so they become happy and successful within their own communities.
We enjoy positive relationships with our parents and carers and this is reflected in the feedback to the School. One parent commented, “Thank you to all the staff for your ongoing support and kindness. You have all been amazing, and we are truly grateful.” Another parent said, “Staff are very welcoming and supportive.” We see partnership working with our families as part of the key to our success.
Our staff and experienced staff are determined to help every young person in our school community achieve academic, emotional and social success. With high expectations for both behaviour and achievement, we know that our children can achieve more than they ever thought possible.
The School is well situated with easy access to many areas of the Midlands, being close to the M42, M6, A5 and A446. Birmingham, Coventry, Solihull, Nuneaton, and Tamworth can be reached in car in under 30 minutes.
Please browse our website. I hope you will choose to visit our school in person, and I look forward to welcoming you.
Mrs Claire Fyfe

Pupil page
We have lots of exciting things happening at our school, but we must introduce you first to two of our most important pupils!

Our flexible curriculum offers both choice and challenge and is closely tailored to each individual pupils’ levels of ability, interests and aspirations. Our curriculum consists of three cores strands: academic, social and emotional, and is delivered by well qualified and experienced practitioners operating in a safe, supportive and inspiring learning environment.

The school recognises that positive mental health and wellbeing is essential to enable pupils to make progress in their learning. Therefore, the emotional well-being of our pupils is our primary concern. Our talented team of professionals work determinedly to pupils’ build esteem, self-image, aspiration and a sense of belonging.