Who do we support?
Mill House School supports children and young people between the ages of 11 and 19 with complex needs associated with autism spectrum disorder and high anxiety.
All young people have access to high quality education following admission. To join us, pupils must have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan. We routinely admit children who are looked after and children for whom English is a second language.
All pupils admitted into Mill House School will have been initially referred by local authority. The Executive Headteacher will oversee the referral process supported by the EHCP team. It is through these staff members that visits are coordinated, information is gathered and arrangements for admission are undertaken. Parents cannot directly commission places within our school.
When a new pupil is referred to Mill House School, we will carry out an assessment to ensure that we are able to meet the young person’s individual needs. Our admissions criteria takes into consideration a range of aspects when looking at a new placement, including prior history and current pupil need to ensure that we can achieve the best possible outcomes for each child.
In order to attend Mill House School, a pupil has usually been diagnosed with:
- anxieties
- autism spectrum disorder
- speech, language and communication needs
- specific and moderate learning difficulties
- poor peer relationships
- poor self-image
- low level of emotional resilience.
The Headteacher has the overall responsibility for ensuring that the school only admits pupils whose individual needs can be met. To summarise, in all cases, pupils will only be considered for admission if:
- funding has been formally agreed with the respective local authority and an Individual Placement Agreement has been completed and signed by relevant parties
- the special needs of the pupil can be met by the school
- the education of the child or young person is compatible with the provision of effective education for others
- the child or young person’s attendance does not jeopardise the safety of others
- there is a place available in the appropriate class / year group
- all up-to-date information concerning the pupil, including the most recent reviews and reports are provided by the funding authority.
The admissions process:
Stage 1 – Pre admission
After receiving an enquiry, the first stage is to decide whether Mill House School is suitable for the young person by studying EHC Plans, reports, previous assessment data and all other available information.
Wherever possible, the prospective pupil, along with parents and carers and any other relevant parties, will be invited to visit to the school in order to meet with the headteacher and EHCP Team. This visit will allow leaders to identify any personal and specific needs and decide whether these can be met.
If appropriate, the school will make a placement offer to the referrer.
Stage 2 – Induction
Should the pupil, parent/carer and placing professionals accept a place at Mill House School, an induction meeting will be scheduled. This meeting will focus on agreeing a transition plan into the school in order to increase the placements chance of success.
The pupil will complete their transition programme, and complete baselines assessments as soon as is practicably possible taking into account pupil’s anxieties.
Stage 3 – Post admission
The school will devise an Personalised Plan for each pupil. This plan is based on:
- the needs identified within the young persons’ EHCP
- the needs identified during the young person’s baseline assessments
- the overall placement objectives
The Individual Education Plan will address the pupils:
- educational needs and targets
- social, and emotional needs
- behavioural needs
- health needs and health promotion.
An admissions review meeting will take place usually within six weeks. This meeting will be used to agree the pupil’s Individual Education Plan and Behaviour Management Plan, where appropriate.
The school welcomes enquiries and visits from parents.
How to make a referral
Any parent wishing their child to attend Mill House School should contact the school office to request an initial tour of the School and to meet with the headteacher, Dr Jonathan Morris. Should Mill House School be deemed a suitable match for a prospective pupil, parents should then contact their local authority.