Therapy Services

Mill House School provides a safe, happy and nurturing learning environment where children can grow and flourish.

Our three core aims are to:

  • build pupils’ resilience, wellbeing and positive mental health
  • maximise academic and personal achievement and potential
  • contribute to the development of confident, secure, well-adjusted and skilled young people who will make a positive contribution to society and live as independent a life as possible.

Mill House School offers a holistic package of education, care and therapeutic intervention. Our talented team of professionals work determinedly to build pupils’ confidence, self-esteem, self-concept and aspiration.

We also provide pupils with access to a broad range of therapeutic support including psychology, mental health specialists, and counsellors.

The school recognises that positive mental health and wellbeing is essential to enable pupils to make progress in their learning. Therefore, the emotional well-being of our pupils is our primary concern.


The Executive Headteacher and EHCP Team will assess whether the school can meet the needs of prospective pupils referred to the school. They will review the statement of special needs within the pupil’s Education, Health and Care Plan and decide whether the school is able to meet the child or young person’s needs.

The EHCP Team, overseen by the Executive Headteacher, will also write the pupil’s Personalised Learning Plans as well as coordinating provision for wellbeing interventions.


On admission to the school, the SENCo and Pastoral Lead will coordinate a series of baseline assessments, including a social, emotional and mental health assessment – the Boxall Profile – which provides detailed information about our pupils.

This information is used to identify areas of strength and weakness and is used in addition to the information within the young person’s EHCP to form an Personalised Learning Plan for each student.

Results gained from these assessments are shared with the individual student, parents, members of staff and other professionals involved with each young person.

Therapy Sessions

Individual therapy sessions are tailored to each individual pupil’s needs as specified in a young person’s statement.

Group therapy programmes can also be effective, especially for pupils who have difficulties with attachment and relationships, and enable pupils to explore thoughts, feelings and behaviours in a reassuring and supportive environment.

Group therapy sessions may be centred around the exploration of key themes such as building healthy and safe friendships, bullying, social anxiety, low self-esteem and managing emotions.

The aim of therapy sessions is to enable the young person to understand the reasons for their thoughts, feelings and behaviours and provide a toolkit to help them manage their emotions when difficulties arise.