
Work Related Learning and Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance

Careers Education and Guidance is an important aspect of the learning experience at Mill House School. Our careers programme enables our pupils to make informed decisions about their education and their future professional life in the world of work.

Careers education and guidance at Mill House School is delivered through PSHE lessons, employability lessons, assemblies and additional activities with partner agencies, local colleges, local organisations and employers. The careers programme in school supports the curriculum for Key Stages 3 to 5.

Our careers programme aims to allow all pupils to:

  • have access to a planned and relevant programme
  • receive informed and independent careers advice and guidance
  • access information about further and higher education, training, apprenticeships and employment routes
  • know the opportunities available to them
  • learn from employers about work and the skills that are valued in the workplace and to have first-hand experience of the workplace.

The government has introduced the following mandatory guidance for schools which are called the Gatsby benchmarks:

The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Advice

  1. A structured career programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

Key Stage 3

Careers provision in Key Stage 3 is delivered through PSHE lessons in collaboration with external agencies and partners. Pupils will begin to develop a deeper understanding of their individual skills, strengths and interests. Pupils in Year 9 will be given the opportunity to attend a meeting with a qualified, independent and impartial careers advisor.

Key Stages 4 and 5

Support will be provided for Key Stage 4 pupils choosing their next steps through our careers education programme delivered within our PSHE lessons, employability lessons and through The Prince’s Trust Achieve Programme. Pupils will be given the opportunity to produce a curriculum vitae, write a formal application letter, practise interviews and devise a career plan.

The school continues to develop links with external agencies, employers, organisations and colleges and pupils will be given the opportunity to speak to representatives from various sectors of the world of work.

Pupils will also be given the opportunity to speak with a qualified, independent and impartial careers advisor.

External Agencies and Partners

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance is delivered in collaboration with external agencies and an independent careers advisor from Kerry Low Careers Guidance.

The school is developing links with local colleges with the intention of delivering programmes during Key Stages 4 and 5 to support young people with decision making and transition.

Destinations of Leavers

The school will support local authorities by tracking pupils for three years after they leave the school. Generally, this will be done by contacting the pupils new post-16 provider; however, in some cases a member of school staff may contact parents/carers to discuss the destinations of leavers.

Please contact the careers leader should you require any advice, guidance or support.

Key Contacts

The school’s careers advisor is Corrine Clarke.

Contact details:
Phone: 01676 478177