
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mark Wright

Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Claire Fyfe

Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Michelle Whittaker

Mill House School has a comprehensive Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, related procedures and staff training programme that incorporates government policy and legislation.

As part of our rigorous staff induction programme, all staff are provided with a suite of safeguarding policies including, but not limited to, Mill House School’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, E-Safety Policy and Whistleblowing Policy, along with DfE’s guidance ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ (part one, part five and annex B, 2023). Parents/carers, partner schools, social workers and placing authorities are offered a copy of our school’s policy.

The school delivers a comprehensive staff training programme on child protection and safeguarding; all staff receive training on their induction which is then supplemented with weekly training updates.

Mill House School’s policy sets out clear expectations and guidelines for staff. All staff are aware of their responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people.

Mill House School takes very seriously its duty of care and will pass on any child protection and safeguarding to the relevant children’s social care services.

We appreciate our pupils are vulnerable, and therefore take additional measures to keep them safe. These measure include:

  • High levels of pastoral support
  • Bespoke curricula programmes
  • PSHE and RSE programme
  • Life Skills programme
  • Pupil voice

We carefully listen to our pupils’ lived experience and we actively support them to help them make healthy choice and keep themselves safe.